The Socialists: Separating the apparatchiks from the plotters.

We see the constant attacks on our nation and society by the government’s minions and the socialist activists who are the ones in the streets tearing things down, burning buildings and killing innocents who get in their way. What you must also remember is their are ‘actors’ who are enacting the laws, supporting the demonstrations and the violence who are members of our government and deep state The soldiers in the field for the socialists are not aware of the greater plan that is in action. They are the foot soldiers of the movement who have been brain washed and are totally unable to discuss rationally any aspect of the agenda they support.

These minions are no different than the fanatical suicide bombers in the Middle East as well as the Hamas militants who murder children and the elderly without conscience or remorse. Included with these minions are the many morons in Congress as well as our befogged president who all support the agenda and to be honest most have no idea what the overall plan is. They just think that because they are at the higher levels they find themselves in that they will be rewarded when the time comes. I tend to doubt that to be honest. When socialist societies come to power any person who is a threat is eliminated so as to prevent any insurrections after the take over. I bet the democrats, and rinos as well as the high up deep state officials have not thought of that.

The planners of all of this are the types we tend to think of. The George Soros, Bilderberg group and the other master planners. There is an international cabal that is opportunistic and always manipulating world wide events so as to increase their wealth and power and also to insure that their power and wealth is never in danger of being taken away from them. They look upon the masses as pawns on a chess board to be moved and placed to perpetuate the status quo of wealth and security that they enjoy.

While a leader like Lenin, Mao or Hitler or any other could arise, these people in the cabal weathered and profited from the world wars and revolutions of all nations. They will continue to do so no matter who rises up. These people wield the power of the purse and the only way a revolutionary can avoid being destroyed by them is for that revolutionary to cloister their country and stay out of world economic events.

An example is China before Nixon went (as a representative of this cabal) and opened them up to international economic opportunities. Once this happened you see the turn of events of China from being a closeted and isolated nation who avoided foreign conflicts to a state where now they are world wide economic players who are destabilizing many nations of the world including ours. The world is the chess board. Every nation that can stand on its own in the face of other large economic powers is a threat to the cabal. The USA is the largest economic market in the world and we are a threat especially if we move past merely being self sufficient to where we weaken and manipulate other actors on the economic and military stage.

Much of what I just discussed is known to you and I am sure you share most of what I said as being agreed upon and as always there are varying opinions on the details.

What does this mean as you apply this knowledge to our national politics and economic situation???

What it means is that there are a lot and I mean A LOT of Drones being used by the left. It would be easy to estimate their numbers at nearly 100 million who have been indoctrinated by the left in their educational institutions as well as their community outreach programs and through union activities. Count in these numbers pretty much all government employees local, state and federal. My attitude is that unless they are for freedom and our rights they are commie sympathizers. Add all teachers, college students and graduates not included in the above groups, all politicians who are career politicians as well as many short timers. Again, unless they vote and act to support our rights and freedoms they are commies in my mind. All in all, the forces we are aligned against are massive, active and committed to following the programming they have been given and destroying what we know as America.

I have written before that this problem we face is not one we will likely vote our way out of. I say this perhaps because of my jaded view of the situation and the massive forces aligned against us. I have not seen a leader on our side who vocalizes a complete understanding and plan as to how to drive these infidels back and get them out of our society either by their leaving or their conversion to a freedom loving belief system.

I am pretty sure Trump sees the problem and he may have a deeper understanding of what needs to be done in order to deal with it but he is also a wise man and knows that when you start talking about our situation in the terms I am using you can be labeled an insurrectionist and other even less desirable terms. Perhaps this is why we do not hear much from our side by our leaders as to what the future entails if we are to be successful.

I do know that people who are ‘true believers’ of the socialist mantras will likely not be convinced of any other path than the one they currently advocate for. Zealots are always hard to deter. This is the problem we face. What are the possible solutions to this dilemma?

We could wage a long, bloody civil war. We could declare war upon those who wish to destroy our Republic and take the actions required to carry that declaration out.

We could wage an even longer political battle fraught with reversals and setbacks and a constant requirement of our being vigilant as to the ongoing activity of the global cabal and their minions in our nation.

We could see a secession of a large number of states from the United States as an attempt to avoid the chronic battles we would see in the previous options. This would not be a whole lot different from the situation of 1861. The South hoped to secede peacefully and the ‘Union’s’ actions to try to push them back into the nation were the impetus of the first shots of that war.

Based on what I see, I doubt seriously the remaining states of the US would accept a secession peacefully. They need us too much. This would result in a second civil war which will make the war of 1861-65 look like a skirmish. All the while, the global cabal of rich and influential people will be shifting the pawns on the chess board to try to steer our future into the direction they desire in order to preserve the increase their power and wealth.

You could argue we should attack the cabal itself but I would point out that these people who are manipulating world events are merely reflecting the inherent sins humans all have in their hearts. Theses elites refuse to acknowledge their sinful behavior and instead use their resources and intellects to act out their lustful behaviors on the world’s stage. I would call them evil more than anything else because they think that their interpretation of good is the one that we should all be forced to live to.

Historically, America was the first truly free nation on earth. Fist in that the Constitution and Bill of Rights were written verification to the citizens were in fact free and that they did not enjoy their freedom at the behest of the leadership or monarch. In fact the government was enjoined from interfering in the citizen’s rights. At least at the start. While there may have been other nations that enjoyed freedom prior to our independence I have not found any that coded a set of rules protecting those rights and who acted as a beautiful lamp of freedom to the rest of the world.

Because we were founded as a free nation we became more and more of a target for the cabal which has existed since the first time man walked upon the earth. Our undoing as a free nation was our increasing involvement in world politics and world economics. Prior to WWI were were very isolated from these events. We were also left alone by the globalists. We generally only acted on the international stage when our people or property were at risk or had been harmed or taken. We acted in those situations limiting ourselves to the immediate problem.

The Spanish American war might be considered our first foray into the world political theater. Additionally, after WWI the US rose in prominence as a mediator of international politics (thanks to Woodrow Wilson, an avowed socialist), Since that time we have been made a target more and more attacks and foreign intervention. The reasons are less important that the root which is the cabal that guides the world economic and political fortunes. Once we entered the world stage, we became a target of those who manipulate and tamper with nation’s affairs. Since we cannot easily remove the world cabal from their seat of power, we should focus on our own nation and our national security and how we interact with the foreign political and military activists.

If we can return our nation to a status of a freedom loving and border security loving one we need to keep in mind the poison that are participating in world politics and foreign wars. We should abandon our status as a major UN member and remove the headquarters from our shores. We should return to our founding values and promote the goodness of believing in them as being good and just and fair. Our strongest position is to be a nation that tolerates no violence upon our people and possessions who are known as being very strong and willing to punish anyone who interferes in our internal affairs.

Only by removing our international entanglements can we move forward as a secure and peaceful nation. If we engage with the cabal by meddling in other nation’s affairs we will continuously be on the defensive against the socialists that are propelled at our society by the globalists. It is the political equivalent of a moth being drawn to an open flame with our being involved in world affairs as being the attraction that brings these activists to our shores.

Anything we do to attain our freedoms for the future must be done with an eye on a stable political playing field afterwards. If we fail to look far enough ahead and deep enough into this problem we will not succeed in the long run. As I said earlier, the apparatchiks of the socialist movement are the agents of the cabal and not the cabal itself. These brainwashed zealots are our immediate problem but the larger problem lies beyond them. We must not lose sight of this reality.

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