Patriotic Conservatives: We are already at war

We have been watching the deterioration of our nation for many many years. Since Obama and actually from long before, our heritage, our traditions, our rights have all been under attack.

It is important in all of this to understand who we are being assaulted by.

It is obvious that the democrats are intent on re-write our history and our Constitution and Bill of Rights to reflect the government powers that they seek to dominate and manage our day to day lives. They are pushing the Global reset agenda of transforming any free societies into subservient socialist nations where the government controls how the society functions and everything within. What most Patriotic Conservatives fail to see is that many members of the Republican party are fully onboard with the democrats and are as actively pushing the Globalist agenda as they are.

The evidence of this is obvious.

Look first at how they are treating President Trump. He has been charged with various bogus charges all the way back to when he was elected. Remember the Russian collusion? The Pee tapes? The supposed illegal dealings with the Russians while he was running for president in 2016? 

In order to understand why they are doing this and keep in mind that it is not only the democrats who are advancing this anti Trump agenda. The deep state republicans are as well. (RINOS) 

They are doing this because Trump cannot be controlled by the Global elites and the deep state bureaucracy here. He is completely independent and answers to no one but himself and his supporters. Worse yet, he sees this cabal and what they are doing to our nation and wants to stop them. As he is our leader against them they must remove him at all costs. This includes actions that are terrifying if they succeed at them in regards to Trump.

Trump is the leading head of our movement and as a result they attack him but keep in mind, they are after us as well. If you have been paying any attention to the news cycles you are more than aware of the accusations against Patriotic Conservative Americans. We are racists. We are insurrectionists. We are a danger to society. We are religious zealots. We oppose women’s rights. We want to teach Christianity in our schools. We want to deny any people from ever emigrating to our nation. We want to dominate and control the minorities in our nation. Basically we are considered a cancer by the left and we need to be eradicated. 

Whether you like it or not, we are at war. 

We are being targeted for extinction. 

We are the undesirables that must be eliminated.

The term WAR is a very polarizing and negative word. I do not use it lightly. When one group decides to attack another to their subjugation or elimination it is an act of war. Nations can declare war or wage it clandestinely under the radar and the guise of ‘governing’.

When you consider that democrat supporting rioters can destroy billions in property and murder scores of innocent people with impunity and the blessings of the democrats it is an act of war. 

When these protesters for the left can threaten the safety of their rivals and not be arrested or charged it is an act of war.

When conservative crowds protest to show their displeasure with the proceedings of a corrupt government and then they are arrested and locked up with no bail and no hope of a speedy trial or having their rights upheld in court, it is an act of war.

When laws are enacted that specifically target the conservative patriotic American which are designed to deny them their God given rights to self defense as well as their rights of free speech and of the right to freely assemble, it is an act of war.

History has a precedent in the not so distant past and it did not end well for a lot of people, millions in fact. 

Germany 1939. Crystal Nacht anyone?

The proof is that we know that their intent is to essentially disarm us, to silence our opinions and to deny us any ability to gather to discuss and consider our options as a group.

The left talks about discrimination and minorities and accuse us, as the group of Americans who have committed such acts and yet, if you look at how things are we are the real minority perhaps not in numbers but in our status as citizens of this nation.

All of what is going on is the result of the advancement of the globalist agenda in our country. This would not be succeeding here if it were not for the support of the RINOS in our nation who are all in with the left. I believe they have committed to the leftists agenda because they have been promised a seat at the table once the left has succeeded in eradicating our freedoms and way of life. In essence they have been bought off just as Joe Biden has been.

The reason why the globalists and the left want our nation to drop its heritage is simple.

You cannot rule a free people. You must subjugate them because they will resist and fight back if you do not.

One other aspect of this you may not have considered.

America was born our of freedom, shaping a new land that had never been molded into a monarchy or empire. We took a bountiful blank slate and shaped the most prosperous and free nation in the world. We are unique as no other nation has so been created.

This is a big problem for people who want to control societies in other places.

These citizens of these foreign lands see our shining example of what good people can do and they want that for themselves therefore making their societies harder to control thus creating problems for the ruling elites.

The French revolution put a huge scare into the monarchs, emperors and other tyrants who were in power at the time as they saw the king of France beheaded solely for being king and for his maintaining the caste system and the lack of freedoms that comes with it.

It was at this point that the social planners (bureaucrats) started conniving ways to alter their governments and still remain in power. They wanted to avoid revolutions and the fate of king Louis.

They determined to infiltrate and alter our nation and society gradually and steadily.  The war came softly at first in our universities and halls of government slowly infiltrating the minds and pocket books of those who were destined to be leaders in our nation in the future. In the hundred years or ore that they have been doing this they co-opted the free press and then the minds some of the populace creating a citizen army to carry on their aggression against our society. At this point they have managed to corrupt enough of our society that they have openly declared war on those who see what they are doing and are trying to stop them.

It is in these days we now see the final battle lines being drawn.

Like it or not, we are at WAR. Our nature as free Americans is under attack. You cannot ignore nor deny it any longer.

Currently the liberal leftists and their accomplices in the republican party we call RINOS are planning their next moves in their quest to crush us and eliminate us.

Knowing this we must be prepared and we must support the few politicians who are true representatives of our beliefs and way of life. If we do not we will succumb to the pressures that we are currently under. The time is now. Stand up and refuse to be dominated by the usurpers of our heritage.

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