Year end reflections

As I have gotten older I find I tend to dwell more on the past when occasions like New Year’s Eve roll around. When I was young it was a night to party or spend time with friends and family. Now, I am alone as my kids are middle aged (or almost) and I have been single for over 20 years. Perhaps this is the impetus for my reflecting more than I used to.

I realize that I am much wiser and more balanced in my views on life and my reactions to things as compared to my more rash and spontaneous life I used to lead. I am sure some of this is just having spent a lot of time on this earth but I also tend to think that my passages through rough times has tempered this quite a bit. 

I accept my aging as a part of life and I can do little to alter that. I believe I am still very mentally agile although I am far less willing to venture into things I am unfamiliar with. I prefer the routine and tend to repeat the same rituals almost daily. In fact I take comfort from being able to do so. I am very uncomfortable with change in terms of my routines. Many things I do every day are comforting and reassuring to me. I doubt I am alone in feeling this way about such things.

I would prefer the return of our nation to the values that made us great; at least when I was younger; instead of these new age, hip hop noise, slang instead of proper English and most of what passes for entertainment on TV. In fact I dislike main stream culture so much I do not watch broadcast TV at all and rarely listen to radio either. I am not trying to stay stuck in the old days as much as I miss the personal quality of character that it seemed almost everyone had back 30 or so years ago. People used to take pride in their conduct and their good neighborliness. Now it is more of a hooray for me and F*&^ you that most people have. Yes, you can find communities and places where this is the norm but it seems from the little amount of MSM I am exposed to that the opposite is more likely to be what you see. What makes this all worse is that people do not show others the respect their used to as a matter of course. If anything it is ‘fashionable’ to be disrespectful. At least most of what passes as contemporary music the kids are listening to seems like this.

Am I an old fuddy duddy? Maybe. But then again, when I was in my 20’s and 30’s and even 40’s I could talk down any street in my local big town at night without fear back then. These days, you run the risk of being robbed or assaulted or both if you dare walk down most city streets at night alone or even in groups. This is not a sign of a society that is improving or to use a word the liberals use ‘progressing’. It is a sign of the decay of our moral society and that is bad no matter how you spin the news.

As I said, I spend more time on days like today reflecting on how far gone we are as a nation. The foundation of our society used to be the Christian values embodied in our forefathers and our founding documents and traditions. It seems that the democrats and a lot of rino republicans are doing everything they can to tear these down to replace them with new age definitions and traditions that all run afoul of the moral values we once held so dear. This troubles me more than anything else I can think of including my health and age.

When I was young I could not envision anything worth dying for. As I got older and my kids came along I found the first things I would put my life on the line for. As they have grown and moved on, I find that the legacy we are leaving them and my grand kids is another thing I can say is worth fighting and dying for. Both my sons served in the military and their willingness to stand a line and put their lives on the line if need be inspired me to think about life in terms larger than my own existence. I think that this is the key to what is wrong with America. People are so selfish.

I will head to bed tonight before midnight because exactly when we cross over that imaginary line into 2024 is not of great importance as compared to my getting enough rest and being ready to continue resisting the future that the demon-rats have planned for us. Everyday I do what I can to expose the hypocrisy and criminal behaviors of these corrupt people and to educate as many as I can to the true origins of our great nation and the folly of tossing it all away for a ‘new world order’ that in all honesty has a poor track record every time some visionary tries to implement it. All you need do to understand this is read some history about ‘Great Societies’ and other despotic governments that have destroyed their people’s freedoms all in the pursuit of a ‘better life’.

This is not the first time I close out a year knowing that things are going to keep getting worse before they get better but I must add I am more fearful today for the future for my children and grandchildren than I ever was before. This is how far down the rabbit hole soothsayers like Obama and others have taken us.

I pray God blesses our nation and our American ideals and that we start to right the wrongs that the master illusionists have done in their quest for eternal power and control.

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