American Exceptionalism: Unification in the name of Freedom.

Before the American Revolution a citizenry had never united as a group without a single charismatic leader.  Yes, I am sure someone will point out some other nation but that may not be the equal to what I am talking about.

What I am saying is that we unified in an idea we hold in common led by an elected group of people who selected a General who reluctantly took the job of leading us who also refused any idea of leadership afterwards without election.  We found our freedom not by following a ‘revolutionary but by following a dream and a vision of freedom for all.

Americans unified to fight the British for our independence and won the war.  We then did not settle for a dictator or central control government.  We stayed free as people who elected representatives.  We remained unified in the name of freedom.

As an American I am blessed with this heritage.  I am blessed with the recognition of my inalienable rights in our Bill of Rights.  As an American aware of this I am committed to the founder’s vision of our nation and the Legacy they left for us.  Call me a traditionalist.  Call me a Constitutionalist.  Call me anything you want but be sure to call me first and foremost a Patriot.

Patriots fought for our rights.  Patriots fought to preserve freedom from oppression by a illegitimate government.  Patriots fought for the cause of freedom and made sure that was the future of our nation instead of falling in line behind  a zealot or charismatic leader who would then rule to preserve their power instead of preserving the people’s power.

Today, we see a government that seemingly is dedicated to returning us back to the days of monarchy where the wrong words can get you arrested and the wrong acts can get you killed.  Our political class is pandering now to smaller and smaller groups instead of protecting the rights of all.  They confiscate the right of freedom of speech to ‘protect’ the feelings of a few.  This is tyranny.

You can mandate preferential treatment of a few but it is far better to preach acceptance and understanding on a voluntary basis as this unifies a society whereas mandates only drive wedges between peoples.

We see the leadership of our nation actively seeking to disarm the population with ever increasingly restrictive regulations.  A free people unified in their love of freedom do not need to be protected by the government.  They by virtue of their freedom can protect themselves.  If the government embraced FREEDOM they would encourage the people to be self reliant and able to protect themselves and the nation if need be.  Instead, they seek to restrict FREEDOM using laws and regulations limiting behavior and speech and the rights to bear arms.  These types of restrictions are what we fought a war against to become a great nation unified in our love of freedom and independence.

Only Tyrants fear the people.  Only tyrants use restrictions to protect the state and its ‘preferred peoples’ from the rest of the population.  It seems that our government is heading down this path towards tyranny and will result ultimately in a revolution if the people wish to stop the tyranny.

States with firearm restrictions are leading this charge against freedom.  They claim that their intent is to make the public safer except that the fact is a disarmed public are no longer citizens but are instead, subjects:  People who are subjected to laws they do not like and cannot resist without penalty and in the most recent cases threats of violence against them by the state.

It has long been time to return to our fundamental roots as Americans and embrace our individual freedoms.  A society that is armed is a respectful society.  We need to unify as a people and make it clear that we will not be subjugated by our governments with laws and regulations that fly in the face of our inalienable rights as given by our creator and guaranteed by our Bill of Rights.

It was exceptional in the world in 1776 that a people united in the quest of freedom for all would fight the most powerful army in the world and win freedom.  It is time that exceptional people come together again dedicated still to that same very purpose.  We are facing, yet again, the most powerful army in the world if our efforts to protect and preserve our freedom comes into conflict.

Our fight at present is in the political arena and it is up to our government to remember that we citizens are free people and it is not the government’s role to define what freedom is.  Let us work to unify as Americans and make it clear to all that we will not surrender what our forefathers fought so desperately for.  FREEDOM.