The ever shifting target that is the left.

I saw today that Emma Gonzalez is still playing the victim for all its worth. She and David Hogg had their 15 minutes of fame and ought be smart enough to go away. Problem is that they are addicted to the battle just like their liberal sponsors.  This addiction to the fight is an indication of how the left is playing the game that is noteworthy.

I am beginning to believe that the liberals may be intent on changing the country but it is not the system they wish to introduce that drives them. It is the fight itself.  It is the constant attacks on our views and beliefs.  The drama. The protests. The outlandish accusations. Tons of air time. Refusing to give your opposition any respect. The left does not have a true goal as far as politically or at least it is not as important than fighting the fight is.  They want to feel like they are fighting for ‘The Cause’ whatever that may be defined as in this moment.  It is a romantic notion of being noble and just that drives them and not really anything to do with others.  They see themselves as gallant ‘warriors’ who are fighting for the ‘common man’ even though the only people who benefit from their antics are they themselves;  the politicians and left wing activists.

Face it, we have been confronted with these protests, ridiculous claims and accusations, and claims of unfairness for my entire adult life. I swear I cannot remember a time when the left was not all fired up for some cause or another.  The liberal leadership is more concerned in keeping their base all agitated and upset more than they are any specific policy goal. The do what ever they can do to keep themselves in the spotlight.  They live for being thought of as crusaders for a just cause even though the cause keeps changing.

When you are confronted with an enemy that has no real objective other than stopping you from succeeding you are fighting an aimless zealot whose cause flutters around like the wind. Don’t make the mistake of focusing on their claimed agenda goals. All that does is allow them to vacillate to another one to try to trip you up.  You have to focus on driving them from the political field much like they would like us to be gone.

Rush is right that our objective should be to beat these liberals in the polling place and keep doing it until they are gone.  Our opposition is dedicated to eliminating us just as we must be towards them.  To do anything different is play into their strategy.

1 thought on “The ever shifting target that is the left.”

  1. The left tends to uptake these folks and then abandon them. What jobs outside of public advocacy will Emma or David ever see? They’ve peaked at 18. But your point is right – they actively and vocally want us dead.


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